We are committed to maintaining strong working relationships with our workforce, suppliers, communities and stakeholders. Lucara recognises that any mining project is finite, and therefore works to provide lasting, sustainable benefits in the communities where we live and work. In 2018, Lucara became a signatory to the United Nations Global Compact, cementing its commitment to implement, disclose and promote its human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption principles.
Our commitments are set out in our Code of Business Conduct and Ethics, Responsible Mining Policy, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Charter, Occupational Health and Safety Policy and our Human Resources Policy.
The Lucara Branch of the Botswana Mine Workers’ Union was established in 2018. As of December 31, 2023, Lucara Botswana's Botswana Mine Workers Union branch had 368 members at KDM, representing 63% of Lucara Botswana's employees, a four percent increase in membership from the previous year. Lucara continues to support the Union by building the capacity of its local branch committee, equipping them with collective bargaining skills, and assisting with workplace issue resolution. The Company also provides the trade union with office space and other amenities to facilitate members' easy access to day-to-day operations.
Lucara’s contributions to the development of our local communities goes beyond the creation of jobs, generation of taxes and payment of royalties, we also invest in sustainable, community-driven projects and initiatives that advance our commitments under the SDGs.
UN GC Principles – Human Rights & Labour
Principle 1: Businesses should support and respect the protection of internationally proclaimed human rights; and
Principle 2: make sure that they are not complicit in human rights abuses.
Principle 3: Businesses should uphold the freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining;
Principle 4: the elimination of all forms of forced and compulsory labour;
Principle 5: the effective abolition of child labour; and
Principle 6: the elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation.
In 2019 we strengthened our Sustainability Department with the newly created positions of Sustainability Coordinator, Community Investment Officer and an Administrative Assistant. Along with the Community Liaison Officer, they manage and monitor stakeholder engagement, community relations and our community investment initiatives.

Karowe Village Initiative (KVI)
The KVI Program provides funding for a range of income generation projects in various Botswana communities, featuring community ownership and governance, with a focus on vulnerable communities. We currently have four core KVI projects that are intended to align with ten of the seventeen United Nations SDGs. We continue to monitor and support these projects to ensure their long-term impact and sustainability.
Health, Wellness and Well-being
Health and safety are paramount and one of our core values. Our health and safety programs, governed by our Occupational Health and Safety Policy, are entrenched in our workplace and workforce. Our key learnings are shared at Kgotla meetings, reinforcing our belief in safe and healthy workforce; safe and healthy communities.
Lucara Botswana’s Karowe Diamond Mine’s First Aid Team placed first in the 2019 Inter-Mine First Aid Competition.
In 2019, construction of an outdoor gym and public ablution block, both in Letlhakane, began. The outdoor gym was handed over to the village in February 2020.
The ground-breaking ceremony was held in February 2020 for a Sports Complex in Letlhakane.
We continue to support a number of initiatives that focus on the health, wellness and wellbeing of our communities.
Investing in the Future
We recognize the importance of investing in the future. In addition to providing training and personal development opportunities to our employees, we look for opportunities to invest in our communities. We do this through:
- Annual school awards program
- Mentorship programs in the local schools
- Internships at Karowe Diamond Mine