Using innovation, creating value, making a difference across the diamond industry
Lucara believes that sustainability is a long-term commitment that requires focus and discipline to help drive continuous improvements in all areas of our business. It is fundamental to our success as an organization and we are focused on delivering broad based, lasting economic and social benefits to all of our stakeholders and the communities in which we live and work.
Our Values

We respect and listen to our people, our communities and our local governments.

Health & Safety
What we do at work, we do at home.

Transparency & Trustworthy
Communicating with openness and honesty.

Creating positive economic and social benefits; partnering with local communities.

Delivering on our promises and commitments.

Pursuing Excellence
Contribute to the Lundin Group’s history of success and excellence.
583 Total Workforce Lucara Botswana99 % of employees at Lucara Botswana are Botswana NationalsEnvironment
Zero freshwater is used in processingZero significant environmental spillsGovernance
✓ Anti-Money Laundering training completed✓ Disclosure of payments to foreign governments in compliance with Canada’s ESTMA
Lucara is committed to sustainable development and continuous improvement. This requires us to apply the precautionary principle in all of our planning. Thorough environmental and social impact assessments assist us in developing robust management systems and plans that minimize adverse impacts and identify and maximize opportunities for sustainable investments.
Our commitments are set out in our Environmental Policy, which we review every two years, last updated in March 2022.
Lucara’s contributions extend beyond the creation of jobs. Through collaboration and partnerships, Lucara's investments in sustainable initiatives are aimed at strengthening local communities. We monitor our social impacts, and we strive to be active participants in the development of sustainable and inclusive communities in our area of operation, leaving a positive and lasting legacy beyond the lifespan of our mine.
Our commitments are set out in our Corporate Social Responsibility Charter, which we review every two years and which was last updated in March 2022.
We have adopted and apply international corporate governance principles aligned with our values and the requirements of publicly listed mining companies.
Corporate responsibility is central to our strategic and operational practices. Our commitment to health and safety excellence, environmental stewardship, employee development, and community investment drives out outstanding financial and operational performance. These pillars of responsibility form the foundation of our sustainable success.
Kimberley Process Certification Scheme (KPCS)
The Kimberley Process is an international certification program designed to eliminate and trade diamonds from the global supply chain. The KPCS imposes extensive requirements on its members (governments and companies) to enable certification of rough diamond shipments as ‘conflict-free’ and prevent conflict diamonds from entering the legitimate trade.

Responsible Jewellery Council (RJC)
The RJC is an international not-for-profit standards and certification organisation. Its membership spans the jewellery supply chain from mine to retail. RJC Members commit to, and are independently audited against, the RJC Code of Practices, an international standard on responsible business practices for diamonds, gold and platinum group metals. The code addresses human rights, labour rights, environmental impact, mining practices, product disclosure and other important topics in the jewellery supply chain.

UN Global Compact (UNGC)
The UN Global Compact is a voluntary initiative based on CEO commitments to implement universal sustainability principles and to take steps to support UN goals. Participating companies align strategies and operations with universal principles on human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption, and take actions that advance societal goals.
Extractive Sector Transparency Measures Act (ESTMA)
We also comply with Canada’s ESTMA and the EU Transparency and Accounting Directive